Machine Learning Researcher at Snowflake AI Research and Poznan University of Technology, Poland. My current research is focused on Large Language Models (LLMs) and Extreme Classification (XC). I do PhD under Krzysztof Dembczyński. I . I stand with 🇺🇦.
ViZDoom is a library that allows creating reinforcement learning environments based on the Doom engine. It is primarily intended for research in machine visual learning and deep reinforcement learning, in particular. The library is written in C++ and provides Python API and wrappers for popular Gymnasium/OpenAI Gym interface. It is multi-platform, lightweight, fast, and provides many useful tools for creating custom environments.
[ docs] [ code] [ website]xCOLUMNs is a small Python library that aims to implement different methods for the optimization of a general family of metrics that can be defined on a confusion matrix. The library provides an efficient implementation of the different optimization methods that easily scale to problems at a large scale.
[ docs] [ code]I'm proud to be a member of the awesome ML in PL Association, a non-profit organization devoted to fostering the machine learning community in Poland and around the world.
I co-organized many events in years 2019-2023, such as ML in PL Conference and MLSS^S, serving as Call for Contributions (Talks and Posters), Website, and IT Infrastructure coordinator. I was also a member of the management board of the association in 2021 and 2022.
I try to review at least a dozen of papers each year. So far I have served as a reviewer for:
The one that learns the most from a course is a teacher.Wojciech Jaśkowski (my Eng. thesis supervisor)
As part of my PhD/being an assistant, I teach/taught a few courses at Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland related to the topics of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Big Data:
All the course materials can be found on PUT's internal e-learning platform (e-Kursy). If you are one of my students, feel free to contact me via e-mail provided on this website.